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Data supply for government vegetation Mapping

Metro Area Data Sale

The Brief

We provided multi-spectral satellite data to a large metropolitan area within Australia, to support investigations into tree canopy, urban heat islands, greenspace and surface permeability. 

The imagery was intended to help with environmental analysis, urban development and exploration of the relationships between urban heat and vegetation. 

What we did

We provided digital imagery covering the entire metropolitan region.  This included panchromatic imagery at 50cm native resolution and blue/green/red/near-infrared imagery at 2m native resolution.  

 at 50cm or better resolution, over multiple bands including Red, Green, Blue, Near-Infrared. 

Spectral Band  Spectral Bandwidth (nm)  
Panchromatic  450 – 700  
Blue  450 – 520  
Green  520 – 590  
Red  630 – 690  
Near Infrared  770 – 890  

We acquired images across four dates in order to provide total coverage with minimised viewing angle to the target and to mitigate the cloud cover. 

We data was processed using a number of processes, including: 

  • Radiometric Correction 
  • Orthorectification 
  • Pansharpening 
  • Atmospheric Correction 
  • Mosaic 
  • Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NVDI) 
  • Clipping 

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